LGBT+ History Month 2022

 posted by | 01/02/2022

Throughout February, LGBT+ History Month takes place. This month was founded in 1994, and aims to promote equality and diversity for the benefit of the public. This is done by;

  • Increasing the visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (“LGBT+”) people, their history, lives and their experiences in the curriculum and culture of educational and other institutions, and the wider community;
  • Raising awareness and advancing education on matters affecting the LGBT+ community;
  • Working to make educational and other institutions safe spaces for all LGBT+ communities; and
  • Promoting the welfare of LGBT+ people, by ensuring that the education system recognises and enables LGBT+ people to achieve their full potential, so they contribute fully to society and lead fulfilled lives, thus benefiting society as a whole.

At the University of Lincoln, a series of events have been organised to celebrate LGBT+ History and to raise awareness about inclusivity. These events are free and open to all.

School of History & Heritage Research Seminar – Homosexual Aversion Therapy – A Transdimensional History

Wednesday 16 February at 5pm – 6pm
Join Dr Kate Davison, from Goldsmiths University of London, for an online research seminar on her paper about homosexual aversion therapy in the 1950s to the 1970s.

To join the seminar, click here.

LGBT+ Inclusive Language and History Workshop

Monday 21st February 12pm – 1.30pm

Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Specialist, Claudia Carvell, will guide participants through an interactive workshop covering key points in history and untangling the complex world of language and terminology.

Claudia (they/them) is an experienced equity and inclusion specialist with an intersectional social justice focus and a background in the non-profit LGBTQ+ sector. Claudia is currently an Inclusion Lead for Co-op, Chair of the Respect Network for LGBTQ+ Colleagues and an independent consultant and trainer.

To register, and to get your code to join the event, click here.

Developing an LGBTQ+ Online Inclusivity Toolkit:

Tuesday 22 February at 1.00pm – 2.00pm

Join Dr Rachela Colosi and Dr Nick Cowen from the School of Social and Political Sciences, as they talk through the development of LGBTQ+ Online Inclusivity Toolkit.

To book on to the event, click here.

The Library is also getting in involved, by publishing blogs and promoting their LGBT+ reading list throughout the month. They have also set up a physical display showcasing the reading list books as well as inclusive flags and a QR code promoting Library blog posts.

Unison will also be running a session on the ‘Introduction to LGBTQ+ Allyship workshop from Stonewall’. This will take place on Monday 28 February from 11am – 12.30pm. The session aims to; develop an understanding of LGBTQ+ identities and experiences in order to confidently advocate for more inclusive workplaces; to understand why LGBTQ+ inclusion at work is important and the benefits of creating a more inclusive culture on individuals and organisations; and to explore the meaning of the term ally and identify first steps that they might take to be a more active and visible ally.

Places on the workshop are available for all staff, you do not need to be a member of Unison to attend. To register your interest please email Joy Knight:

In addition to these events, colleagues who identify as LGBT+ and as allies have written their personal stories to reflect on why LGBT+ History Month is important to them. You can view these stories in the next HR Line and on Staff News throughout the month.