Cycle2Work Scheme

 posted by | 09/08/2022

The Cycle2Work scheme is a great Government tax break created to help employees acquire a bike and safety accessories for cycling to work.

As an employee of the University of Lincoln you are able to participate in the Cycle2Work scheme. It’s really simple to join and you could save up to 43.25% on a brand new bike and safety accessories as you don’t have to pay any tax or National Insurance.

You can purchase a brand new bike and safety accessories up to the value of £2500 tax free via the scheme. This will then be paid directly from your salary over the period of either 12 months if the loan is up to £1000 or 24 months if it is between £1000 and £2500– part of a salary exchange scheme.

To find out more about it, visit Linc-On and then click on the travel section!

If you have any questions, please email

Story submitted by Krista Zemite