Having the Uncomfortable Conversation about Racism in the Workplace

12 OCT
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The experiences of Black Members in their workplaces are too often scarred by the injustice of racism. This affects access to jobs, training, promotions, levels of pay, treatment at work, and the support and opportunities that are due to all workers.

Gilly Anglin-Jarrett, Chair of the Regional Black Members Network (RBMN), will talk about how Black staff members have and continue to suffer from racism in their workplaces and the action all staff can take to combat this. Gilly’s regional wide campaign is not only a significant opportunity to develop Branch Black Members Self Organised Groups, but also focuses on supporting white staff to become confident as allies in the workplaces so that they can have that uncomfortable conversation with their colleagues.

This talk will discuss how we can work together to give Black staff the confidence to raise their concerns, and also educate and train white staff who witness racism to be competent when they challenge the perpetrators.

Wednesday, 12th October from 2pm – 3pm in MB 1010


Everyone is welcome to attend – you don’t need to be a UNISON member.

Story submitted by Joy Knight