Evacuation Chair Operatives

 posted by | 10/11/2022

Evacuation chairs are provided in buildings around campus so that those with mobility difficulties can get down the stairs in case of an emergency.
There are trained operatives in all buildings who will assist with use of the equipment.
Trained operatives remember to:
• Report to Security when you exit your building in an emergency.
• Practise on a regular basis.

Volunteers are always welcome, so if you’re interested then contact the Health and Safety Department at safety@lincoln.ac.uk. Training only takes around an hour and can be done at your convenience.

More information on evacuation chairs and operatives can be found on the Health and Safety portal page: https://universityoflincoln.sharepoint.com/sites/HS/Evacuation%20Chair/Pages/Default.aspx

Story submitted by Jake Garratt