Dr. Rahman, Dr. Hack-Polay and Dr. Islam– Guest-Editors of the Sustainability Special Issue

 posted by | 06/01/2023

We are pleased to announce that the call for papers is currently open for a special edition of the Sustainability on Migration, Diversity and Sustainability in a Changing Emerging Market Landscape. The aim of this special edition is to provide an opportunity to share and publish great partnership work to a wider audience, and therefore we would like you to consider either submitting yourselves or sharing this with colleagues and students who may have an innovative project they could consider turning into a submission for this special edition of a peer-reviewed journal. All submissions will be reviewed by guest editors and reviewers.

The deadline for submission is the 31st August 2023
Please find all further information here: Sustainability | Special Issue : Migration, Diversity and Sustainability in a Changing Emerging Market Landscape (mdpi.com)
Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

Guest Editors
Dr. Mahfuzur Rahman marahman@lincoln.ac.uk
Dr. Dieu Hack-Polay dhackpolay@lincoln.ac.uk
Dr. Asadul Islam asadul.islam@bracu.ac.bd

Story submitted by Mahfuzur Rahman