Student Complaints Training
The handling of student complaints is a vital role for all colleagues in the University, as any student at any time may raise an informal complaint to any member of University staff. How we handle these, and any formal complaints, is therefore a prevalent part of the institution’s business and of the student experience.
The Student Complaints Regulations have recently been updated and now the Governance Team are holding training sessions for:
– Complaints Advisors training, which is for colleagues in roles that support formal investigators and colleagues who would like to support the handling of informal complaints.
– Formal student complaints investigators, which is for Heads of Schools, Services, and Departments, their Deputies, and any other colleagues likely to be nominated to undertake complaints investigations.
Each training session is one hour long and on Microsoft Teams.
Upcoming dates include:
Advisor Training
– Tuesday 3 October
– Thursday 5 October
Investigator Training
– Tuesday 3 October
– Friday 6 October
If you are interested, please contact for any other information. Thank you.
Story submitted by Hannah Aldrich