Interview Skills and Career Development
The aim of this workshop is to support Professional Support colleagues in their career progression plans by providing interview skills training, advice on producing an excellent CV, completing applications and shortlisting questions. The session will also look at individual career plans and personal branding. Colleagues will also have the opportunity to hear about opportunities available to them for moving across areas of the University and find out more about Career Pathways. The session format will look at benefits of career planning, with case studies, a greater awareness of the transferrable skills required for particular roles, explore Career Pathways, understand the components of a good CV and covering letter. The session will also cover the internal shortlisting and interview process and scoring at UoL and provide an opportunity to implement interview skills in a mini mock interview situation. The session will close with an opportunity to consider your own individual career plans and be aware of opportunities for developing yourself internally and through the use of personal branding.
Book your place via MyView:
5th March 2024
LMS0010, Lincoln Medical School, Brayford Campus
Story submitted by Jo Wilkinson