Special Issues

 posted by | 14/03/2024

Fadi Alkaraan, Associate Professor of Accounting, Governance & Sustainability, Department of Accountancy Finance and Economics, CoASSH is leading two special issues as guest editor: Current Issues in Governance, Economics & Finance: Towards Ecosystems International Journal of Finance & Economics (3*ABS) Towards SDGs and Sustainable ESG Performance: The Synergistic Influence of Industry 4.0 and Governance Structure Sustainability Journal (Q1)Fadi has been appointed Visiting Professor EM Normandie Business School (AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS) (Dubai) 2023-2024. Affiliate Professor (Research Fellowship Programme) at Gulf Finance Centre, Gulf University for Science & Technology (AACSB), Kuwait (2023-2024), Affiliate Professor at the Institute of Management Technology (IMT) Dubai, UAE (2022-2023).

Story submitted by Fadi Alkaraan