Envisioning Business Education Futures: Co-creating Sustainable Development Capabilities

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As we approach the final opportunity to register, we are excited to extend an invitation to you if you have not already registered to join us for an upcoming event crafted to envision sustainable futures, enhance skill capacity, and cultivate collaboration in redefining the landscape of business education. Through the lens of responsible management, interdisciplinary innovation, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this event aims to inspire transformative thinking and action.

Participants will have the chance to explore creative curriculum design and models of innovative pedagogy, including ‘Futuring’, ‘Participatory’, ‘Inclusive’, and ‘Design Thinking’, which can be applied to their educational contexts. This collaborative endeavour offers a unique platform for interdisciplinary dialogue, creative problem-solving, and the envisioning of new futures.

Join us for this enriching experience and connect with academics from UK universities, business representatives, and fellow students. We are thrilled to announce the presence of Professor Nick McGuigan from Monash University, Australia, who will lead the event alongside other esteemed speakers. Together, we will engage in group activities to envision the future of business education and co-create Sustainable Development Capabilities.

Date: Wednesday 1 May
Time: 1.30pm – 5pm.
Location: Lincoln Medical School (In-person event)
Registration Link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=xEculd4FgkKDr19LRrFij66C-UP4xxJErxLr5O0wZJxURFNaU0pWWlJIOVdNTVBVUVdKNVJJVUowWS4u

Please note that spaces are limited and provided free of charge. Kindly register only if you can commit to attending the entire event.

Certificates of attendance will be available upon request on the day of the event.

We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate and innovate with you on Wednesday 1 May.

Please note that this invitation is specifically for the External workshop with Professor Nick McGuigan from Monash University on Wednesday 1 May and separate from the Staff/Student workshop with Professor Ted Fuller on Tuesday 30 April.

Story submitted by Antonio