Supporting colleagues through change

 posted by | 08/05/2024

To support colleagues during this period of change through the voluntary severance and redundancy programmes, Organisational Development are providing the following sessions of support, in addition to the central training programme sessions available:

Interview Skills – 15 May/14 June/16 July
This standalone practical workshop will provide colleagues with an opportunity to practice interview skills in a safe environment and with feedback provided. The session will give an overview of interview types that you may come across.

Management Engagement Group – 28 May/2 July/16 July
This latest series of management engagement groups are aimed at middle and team managers supporting the current change programme at the University. The bitesize session will have varying content to support managers in key management duties and how to become an effective manager.

The sessions will be focused on sharing best practice on how to support teams through the change programme, an opportunity to ask advice on how to handle situations.

Coaching Skills – 30 May/11 July
Suitable for everyone who supports students and/or staff in their work – in an academic, student admin or technical role. You need to have an interest in helping others develop and learn, but you don’t need to be a line manager.

Personal Development – 5 June/28 June/16 July
Suitable for any professional service colleagues wishing to look at compiling a personal development plan or identifying skills gaps.

Emotional Resilience – 10 June/8 July
Suitable for any colleagues who feel they would benefit from support in building their resilience.

Management Essentials – Resilience – 17 June/4 July
This bite-sized session will help line managers gain a better understanding of what resilience is and why it matters. Focusing on the current change programme at the university. It will support you in developing ways to build personal and team resilience. Understanding how change can affect us and developing methods to help embrace it. Learning techniques to help reduce stress, build our assertiveness, and support our wellbeing.

Colleague Engagement Group – 25 June/17 July
This series of colleague engagement groups are aimed at any individuals wishing to seek support in relation to the ongoing University change programme. The Organisational Development and Talent team will be on hand to signpost colleagues to more relevant support and offer advice on dealing with difficult situations.

Emotional Intelligence – 20 June
Emotional Intelligence is a skill. It allows you to read the style of individuals and adjust your communications accordingly. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognise our behaviour, moods, and impulses to manage them in a positive way so that we can communicate effectively, empathise with others, manage stress, overcome challenging situations and defuse conflict.

Please visit MyView – to reserve your space on these sessions.

Full details of outplacement support can be found here:

Story submitted by Angela Cleall-Harding