10 Years of Algebra in Lincoln

12 - 14 JUN
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Summary: International conference with world-renowned scientists will celebrate the 10 years of Lincoln’s algebra group and the School of Maths and Physics

The algebra team at the University of Lincoln was founded in 2014, alongside the School of Mathematics and Physics of the University. Since then, Professor Evgeny Khukhro, co-founder of the School, has led the team to become a thriving research group in the East Midlands. Such achievements were also recognised by UoL with the foundation of the Charlotte Scott Research Centre for Algebra in 2018, inaugurated by Prof. Caroline Series FRS.

This short research conference, taking place online 12-14 June, marks two memorable occasions: the coming retirement UoL’s world-class algebraist and most esteemed colleague, Prof. Evgeny Khukhro, and the 10th Anniversary of the Algebra Group and the School of Maths and Physics at Lincoln. The event will feature several research talks from internationally leading mathematicians, such as Fields medallist Efim Zelmanov.

Dates: Wednesday 12 June to Friday 14 June
All talks will be held online

Conference website and (free) registration:

Story submitted by Yuri Santos Rego