Eye tracking Collaboration with MacKenzie University, Sao Paulo Brazil

 posted by | 10/06/2024

Researchers in the School of Psychology Cognitive Research Group are seeking volunteers to help out with an international research project investigating the role of eye movements in cognitive function. The project is a collaboration between the University of Lincoln and MacKenzie University, Sao Paulo supported by the Sao Paulo Research Foundation.

The research includes completing a questionnaire, a short cognitive assessment and a memory task where you will be asked to match shapes on a computer whilst your eyes are being tracked. It is hoped that the research will provide a better understanding of cognitive strategies used in memory, planning and decision making.

Anyone over 18 can take part, the study takes places in the Sarah Swift building and takes about 50 minutes to complete.

Please contact project lead Professor Tim Hodgson (tlhodgson@lincoln.ac.uk) or visiting researcher Matheus De Melo Rodrigues (mrodrigues@lincoln.ac.uk) for more details or if you are interested in taking part.

The research has been approved by the University of Lincoln ethics committee REF 2024_17956.

Story submitted by Timothy Hodgson