Vote Now – Images of Research Competition 2024

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Images of Research 2024:

The Images of Research competition showcases the research taking place at the University of Lincoln. Participants were asked to submit a unique image, along with a 150 word abstract describing how the image reflects their research. Any staff member or postgraduate research student who is undertaking research at the University was eligible to participate. A panel of academic representatives are currently judging for the two Panel’s Choice winners, one for Best Staff and one for Best Student, and the online vote (details below) will determine the People’s Choice award. All three winners will be awarded a certificate.

On Campus Exhibition:

Once again, we will be holding an exhibition on campus in the Peter De Wint Building, in PDW0001 – the Project Plus Gallery space from the 16th July to the 19th July.

Online Brochure:

Please use the following link to view all entries to the competition in case you are unable to attend the exhibition: 2024 Images of Research Brochure (

Public Vote:

Once you have viewed all the submissions either in person at the exhibition, or online via the brochure, please click the link to vote. Voting closes on Friday 19th July 2024 at 12:00 noon. Submit your vote here.

Prize Giving:

Where: Peter De Wint Building, room PDW00001 (Ground Floor)– Project Space Plus
When: 19th July from 14:00pm-15:00pm

Tea and coffee will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there, where you can chat and network with other researchers, and discover the results of the Panel and People’s votes in the competition.

Story submitted by Rebekah Eager