Learning Together: University Teaching Showcase 2024

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With the landscape of higher education continuing to develop and evolve rapidly, the University of Lincoln Teaching Showcase will highlight key innovations and practice at the University and from across the sector. The symposium event will be an opportunity for colleagues to learn, share and highlight practical teaching and learning applications via short talks, interactive workshops, demonstrations and discussions.

The showcase will be opened by Professor Abigail Moriarty, Pro Vice Chancellor Education and Students, discussing the future of teaching and learning at the University of Lincoln.

This symposium event will take place on Wednesday 4 September 2024, running from 10am – 4pm in the Minerva Building on the Brayford Pool Campus.

To register to attend, please complete the event registration form at this Microsoft Forms link: https://forms.office.com/e/svWked4m4y before 30 August 2024.

For more information about the Learning Together: University Teaching Showcase 2024 please email: lalt@lincoln.ac.uk.

Story submitted by Clare Cotton