Cafe Scientifique: ‘Proper Objects’: some thoughts on local responses to those with mental illnesses, before the Lincoln Lunatic Asylum (1769 to 1819)
The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there”. So said LP Hartley, in the opening lines to The Go Between (1953). And yet, when we consider the human condition, and its manifestations of distress through mental illness – or lunacy as was the term of the day – we can discern more that is common than is different. In this talk, we will explore the distinctive and unique contribution made by ‘medical men’ and ‘mad doctors’ in Lincoln as they moved from the first County Hospital on Drury Lane to develop a bespoke Asylum at what is now known as the Lawn.
Please join us for this free event – further information and tickets here:
Tuesday 12 November
The Cafe Bar, Lincoln Arts Centre
Story submitted by Nicola DeVeaux