November Training Dates
There are a variety of workshops coming up this that Colleagues can book onto via MyView, we hope you find a session to enhance your Learning and Development.
The November workshops cover critical topics such as Prevent, management essentials, and safeguarding and are excellent opportunity for colleagues to engage in continuous professional development and to network with peers from different departments.
6th November: Prevent
Learn about the Prevent duty, different forms of extremism and terrorism, the risk around radicalisation and your supportive role, making a Prevent referral that is both informed and made with good intention, and the interventions and support available.
7th November: Management Essentials: Coaching
Brayford Campus
This engaging and practical workshop offers the opportunity to develop managers’ skills, confidence and impact in coaching at work, with individuals and teams. The session will cover the key skills of coaching, learning the valuable GROW coaching model and involve a practical exercise in coaching, being coached and observing a coaching conversation. It will also look at how to use coaching effectively in the workplace.
11th November: Management Essentials: High Performance
Lawress Hall
This session provides managers with an overview of how to reach high performance within their teams, considering development, feedback, recognition and praise. It highlights the benefits of creating a positive psychological contract and coaching culture, introducing the equity theory and appreciative enquiry.
12th November: Carbon Literacy
Lawress Hall
Following completion of this session, attendees should:
– Better understand how climate change will affect them.
– Be able to effectively communicate the impacts of climate change.
– Have knowledge and skills to lower their carbon footprint.
– Make a pledge to change an element of behaviour or to implement an action that will result in tangible carbon savings.
19th November: Management Essentials: Work Conflict
Lawress Hall
You will cover the definition of the term workplace conflict and identify some of the key causes. You will be introduced to conflict management, mitigation and resolution – sharing best practice and the interpersonal skills required. You will work in teams to review case studies and use course content to inform and develop both proactive and reactive positive solutions.
20th November: Trans aware
This session is open to all staff and will introduce the key ideas and information about trans-related matters. The session will: explain what trans means and describe the diversity of those who might use the term, introduce key concepts crucial to understanding trans people, list the main legislation relating to trans identities and provide links to further resources and help.
27th November: Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk
Brayford Campus
An introduction to the Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk policy and how you can protect and support children and vulnerable adults.  This session does cover sensitive topics such as forms of abuse and mental health.