Speaker at British Association of Gender Identity Specialists (BAGIS) Scientific Symposium

 posted by | 14/11/2024

Last week on the Friday 8 November, Lexi Breen, a senior lecturer for the School of Health and Care Sciences, spoke to over 200 delegates at the British Association of Gender Identity Specialists (BAGIS) 9th Scientific Symposium in Nottingham.

The Audience was mainly Doctors, Nurses, Psychologists, and people with lived experience of gender services.

The talk was about the importance of early identification of people with undiagnosed intersex variations who may present to gender identity services with gender incongruence/dysphoria. Also the development of alternative care pathways for this group to prevent metabolic imbalance and potentially life threatening and limiting comorbidities.

Further Sources

Lexi Breen is a Transgender & Intersex Advocate and Academic and is available to speak within the university and for other organisations to raise awareness.

Story submitted by Lexi Breen