Enrolment and Exam Invigilation Support
Exam Invigilation Support – January 2025
There are opportunities available for all colleagues to volunteer as exam invigilators in January 2025, supporting students at a crucial part of their studies at the University. Exams will take place from Monday 13 January until Friday 17 January.
There are several different roles including:
Invigilator – this vital role ensures that exams are conducted honestly and efficiently and involves setting up the exam room, checking student IDs, dealing with any questions, coordinating toilet breaks, and collecting exam papers at the end.
Chief Invigilator – additional responsibilities including assigning roles to invigilators, reading out instructions to many students and handling any incidents if they arise.
Training will be provided a week beforehand and specialist support will also be available from Student Admin colleagues. No prior experience is required, but a pair of comfortable and quiet shoes are recommended.
Exams can last between three and five hours. For example, a start time of 9am would typically be finished by no later than 2pm, and a 12pm start would typically be finished by no later than 6pm.
Invigilators need to be at the designated room 30 minutes prior to the exam starting and chief invigilators need to be at the exam desk one hour before the start of the exam.
Slots and roles are available to book online: https://forms.office.com/e/wvFrE2U0JN – please register your interest by Friday 3 January 2025.
Please send any queries you may have to: exams@lincoln.ac.uk.
Enrolment Support – January 2025
The University is currently planning its next enrolment of students which will take place in January 2025.
Colleagues from across many departments throughout the University support these enrolment events, ensuring that our students have a positive experience, and there are opportunities for colleagues to volunteer to support this event.
Slots are available to book using the online form: https://forms.office.com/e/EmGCMNFNsj – please complete the form by Friday 3 January 2025. Training will be provided beforehand, and help will also be available during a slot.
Enrolment takes place from Monday 20 January until Friday 28 February 2025. The suite is based in MB2101, Minerva Building, Brayford Pool Campus and is open from 9am – 4pm and is closed for lunch from 12pm – 1pm.
- Cover for slots in the enrolment suite would be greatly appreciated, and a slot is between 8.45am – 12pm and/or 12.45pm – 4pm daily.
- If staff are no longer able to attend an allocated slot on the day, we would ask that a replacement is provided.
- Where appointment slots are not utilised on the day, staff will be able to focus on their own workload and “desk closed” signs will be distributed on a rotational basis.
For access and training purposes, regular consistency in staff availability would be ideal, where possible.
For more information about what to expect, please contact Angela Jackson-Croft: ajacksoncroft@lincoln.ac.uk, Ragnar Spalding: rspalding@lincoln.ac.uk or Sabine Belokopitova: sbelokopitova@lincoln.ac.uk.