IMPact E-Journals

 posted by | 11/02/2025

The latest volumes of the IMPact editions are now available to read:

IMPact special edition:BA (Hons) Business & Management

Volume 8 (Issue 1) Celebrating Responsible Management Education (PRME) – BA (Hons) Business & Management (Student Edition)

This student edition celebrates a selection of work produced by BA (Hons) Business and Management graduates in the Lincoln International Business School (LIBS) at the University of Lincoln. As a business school, LIBS is committed to the Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) and this special issue demonstrates the innovative, creative and critical ways our students develop knowledge throughout their degree regarding responsible management.

A range of subjects across the business school are presented in the Special Edition, including leadership, innovation, professional development, digital technology, and representations of management in media and philosophy. Each module discussed in papers focused upon distinctive pedagogical approaches to create meaningful educational experiences for students such as, practical management training exercises, gamification, inquiry-based learning, wicked problems, playful learning, paced assessments, and media analysis,  as vehicles for students to deconstruct managerial experiences and reflect on the underlying assumptions which inform their own perspectives of management.

Work in this issue presents a selection of work by students from across all three years of the degree during 2022-23. For each paper the contributor has provided a reflective account of how their assessment has informed their thinking as they’ve progressed through the degree and into employment.

For more information about the BA (Hons) Business & Management special edition, please feel free to contact David Anderson on

If you are interested in discussing a Special Edition for IMPact,  please feel free to contact

IMPact special edition: UROS

Volume 8 (Issue 2) 2025 UROS Project Reports (Student Edition)

This annual edition provided students, who took part in a UROS project in 2023/24, with the opportunity to publish their research findings in the internal UoL research platform, IMPact E-Journal. The papers present  reflective accounts discussing the background of their project, literature, methodology and results, alongside commentaries on their UROS experience and lessons learnt throughout the process. Submissions went through a robust peer review process conducted by colleagues, demonstrating the commitment to Student as Producer and engagement with Students as Authors (Strudwick, 2021).

The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Scheme (UROS) provides students and academics the opportunity to collaborate and engage as partners through active research projects. Applications are invited from all undergraduate students seeking to develop a research project in partnership with an academic school, or a professional service department.  As part of the criteria for successful UROS applications students are required to produce a research poster (presented at the annual UROS showcase) and a journal paper for this Special UROS edition.

The application window for UROS 24/25 is currently open and will close on Friday 14 March.

For more details about the bursary scheme, please email or visit the UROS webpage.

Story submitted by Nguyen Grace