Poll Everywhere Pilot

 posted by | 16/10/2017

A Poll Everywhere pilot is running this academic year until March 2018. 

Available to all staff, Poll Everywhere facilitates student engagement through the use of surveys and polls in classroom teaching.

Any member of staff wishing to use Poll Everywhere should first register their interest by completing a form at https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=xEculd4FgkKDr19LRrFij3sIlAp5oKxAopyDdRJjR_VUNTVWVzY3VFJYNVJBVE8wUkZVUUlYRTlDMS4u. They will then be sent an invitation to join the pilot.

If you have used Poll Everywhere in the past, either on a school or individual basis, you will be able to upgrade your old account and move over to the institutional licence without losing any data. Instructions on how to do this will be provided with your invitation.

To support the pilot, a Poll Everywhere webinar will take place at 3.20pm on Wednesday 25th October in the Junxion. This will cover the various kinds of polls you can create and the in-depth reporting tools that can be used to monitor responses.

Staff can book onto the webinar session via the HR portal at: lncn.eu/training.