Call for Participants: The effect of Oral Contraceptives on Cognition and Metabolism

 posted by | 04/11/2022

We are recruiting participants to participate in a study assessing how the timing of oral contraceptive consumption affects cognitive function (assessed using laptop-based tests) and substrate metabolism (e.g. the use of carbohydrate and fats as energy sources) during exercise.

Criteria for taking part in the study are outlined in the participant information sheet accessed on request, however key inclusion criteria
– Currently using the oral contraceptive Microgynon or Rigevidon and have been using this for the past 6 months
– Aged 18-35
– Body mass index (body mass [kg] / height [m]2) between 18.5 and 30.0 kg.m2
– Physically active
– Speak fluent English

Participation in this study will involve three visits to the laboratory, during which you will take part in laptop-based cognitive
function tests and treadmill-based exercise, with venous blood samples taken on two trials. This study has been approved by
the University of Lincoln Ethics committee (Ethics no. 2019-0718). You will receive a £40 Amazon voucher if you take part and
complete all three laboratory visits.

Please e-mail if you are interested in taking part in the project. We can provide you with a participant information sheet containing more information and be happy to answer any questions you may have about the project.

Story submitted by Dan Martin