Carbon Literacy Training

 posted by | 06/04/2023

Join the carbon literacy training course on 16 May 2023, 10am – 3pm in MB2201. Details and booking link are listed below.


Carbon Literacy is defined by the Carbon Literacy Project as ‘an awareness of the carbon dioxide costs and impacts of everyday activities, and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis’.

The Carbon Literacy Project is a scheme (and organisation) that was developed in Manchester to provide access to this learning to all. It’s based on the key aim that if we are to cut carbon emissions by the level of reductions that have been recommended to us by science, we will mobilise a societal shift towards more sustainable behaviours and a greater culture of environmental awareness.

Learning outcomes:

Following completion of the training, attendees should:
• Better understand how climate change will affect them.
• Be able to effectively communicate the impacts of climate change.
• Have knowledge and skills to lower their carbon footprint.
• Make a pledge to change an element of behaviour or to implement an action that will result in tangible carbon savings.


The training will be held in the Minerva Building in room MB2201. To fully facilitate the training, this is an in-person training session only.


Start time: 10am

45 minute break for lunch (Staff can either stay in the room or utilise one of the communal spaces within the building.)

Finish time: 3pm


Refreshments will be provided during the training.
Attendees are asked to bring their own cups/water bottles to reduce waste.
(Lunch is not provided)

Register your place:

To book a place visit MyView:

Story submitted by Angela Cleall-Harding