UKCGE Supervisor Recognition Programme

 posted by | 10/08/2023

The UK Council for Graduate Education offers a process where supervisors of Postgraduate Research students can apply for recognised supervisor status.

This is a highly advantageous scheme for those with experience of supervising PGRs and leads to a widely acknowledged mark of recognition. You are asked to write a 5,000-word piece, reflecting on your practice as a supervisor, and to provide two references. Once you have completed this process, your application is peer-reviewed by a two-person panel at the UKCGE, and you will be provided with detailed feedback. The UKCGE has produced extensive help and guidance on the application process, that you can access via this link:

As part of your application, you normally need to provide a fee of £100. However, this year the University will cover the cost of a limited number of applications to this scheme, by institutionally co-ordinating submissions to the UKCGE.

UKCGE have also recently introduced a Recognised Associate Supervisor award for those who have not seen doctoral candidates through final examination and completion and/or are involved in research supervision ‘informally’. Please contact the Doctoral School if you wish to apply via this route.

To take advantage of this process, please inform of your intention to submit. Due to limited funding available, please ensure you notify the Doctoral School at least two weeks prior to the intended submission date. You will then be required to submit a letter of approval/support from your school PGR lead along with your reflective piece, plus two references, to before the 13 October 2023. The £100 fee for submission via this route will be paid for by the University (providing you have obtained prior approval from the Doctoral School).

To hear of the benefits of the scheme from past applicants, you can see a testimonial on the Doctoral School website here: UKCGE Supervisor Recognition Programme | Doctoral School (

Story submitted by Ethan Snell