Co-creation workshop – LGBTQIA+ Action Plan

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The Eleanor Glanville Institute is holding a series of Co-creation Workshops to build an LGBTQIA+ Equality Inclusion Action Plan to ensure LGBTQIA+ staff and students are supported, and their sense of belonging increased.

The sessions will allow LGBTQIA+ students, staff, and their allies to contribute to a 5-year plan that is for them, by them, ensuring that actions are developed and implemented that address the barriers and challenges they face, and are informed by staff and student lived experience.

The next Co-Creation Workshop will be on:

Tuesday 6 February
12:00 – 15:00
MB1104, Minerva Building

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Please notify Joy Knight ( of any dietary requirements beforehand.

The session will be a ‘drop-in’, allowing participants the flexibility to stay for as little or as long as they would like, or are able to, and will build on feedback already gathered from the Staff EDI Culture Survey 2023 and the Trans & Non-binary Policy consultation. Feedback will also be gathered via Padlet, which will remain open for the duration of the workshop series to allow staff to contribute who are unable to attend in person.

A further workshop to develop the action plan will take place on Wednesday 21 February at Lawress Hall. You are welcome to join all, and no prior attendance is necessary.

For further information about the event, our Co-Creation Workshops, or for how you can be involved in the EGI’s equality, diversity, and inclusion work, please contact the EGI at

We look forward to seeing you there and to receiving your contributions!

Story submitted by Joy Knight