Research on Disability Sport Featured on BBC

 posted by | 17/10/2024

Dr Lesley Sharpe, Lecturer in Sport Sociology in the School of Psychology, Sport Science and Wellbeing, has had her research on sport for young disabled people featured on the BBC. #WheelchairBBStories is a novel illustration and information project that combines the research insights of Dr Lesley Sharpe (University of Lincoln), Professor Vicky Tolfrey, and Dr Janine Coates (Loughborough University) with the real-life experiences of disabled wheelchair basketball players. The project aims to highlight, through illustration, three critical aspects of disabled young people’s early encounters with wheelchair basketball: Discovery, Benefits and Participation

Funded by the FIBA Foundation Basketball for Good and supported by British Wheelchair Basketball and the Peter Harrison Centre at Loughborough University, the resources were illustrated by Dr Lesley Sharpe and are designed to be shared across social media and offer an interactive pathway to access additional information and resources regarding the discovery, benefits and participation in a hope to signpost and encourage more young people to get involved in the sport.

BBC article:
Lincoln press release:

Social media: Instagram

Story submitted by Patricia Jackman